Christmas & Advent Early Music Sing-A-Long
Will you be joining us on Sunday, November 16, 2024 at Church of the Redeemer in Hyde Park for our Christmas and Advent Early Music Sing-A-Long? Here’s our rep!
Angelus ad Pastores ait (Aleotti)
Audivi vocem de coelo (Thomas Tallis, before 1559)
Ave Regina Caelorum (Leonarda)
Danksagung wir alle Gott SWV 425 (Heinrich Schutz, 1657)
Es ist ein Roess entsprungen (15th c.; Michael Praetorius, 1609)
Hodie Christus natus est (Giovanni Bassano, 1599)
Hodie Christus natus est (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)
Nova! Nova! (15th C.; Hunterian Museum MS)
Nowell Sing We (Anon. English, mid-15th c.)